Student Fees

Domestic student fees

Intake dates – January is our main intake of the year with a possibility for a mid-year intake in July depending on numbers

Air Hawkes Bay students are invoiced in real time. No hidden costs or surprises.

All resource fees are specified including:

International student fees

Air Hawkes Bay students are invoiced in real time. No hidden costs or surprises.

All resource fees are specified including:


You can apply for student loan funding to attend our flight school. There are other funding options to reduce or subsidise your fees. Funding is available to all domestic candidates. You don’t need to be a school leaver to apply for a student loan or subsidies.

The current government policy around student loan borrowing for domestic pilot training requires students to pay a proportion of their study costs. Essentially, the student loan covers approximately 80% of the course fee. The balance needs to be paid from personal funds.

Fees free

If you are a first-time learner, or your first tertiary education was covered by the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund, you may be able to get your fees covered for one year’s study or two years’ training.

Check if you are eligible for Fees Free here.