Flight Instructor Internships
An internship as a flight instructor is an excellent way to log more flying hours after you graduate with your Diploma in Aviation. Many of our graduates who have enrolled in the internship programme have logged over 400 hours with this extended study, giving them enhanced employment opportunities.
What you’ll learn and gain from this course
Firstly, more Log Book Hours (Flying and SIM). The course prepares you for employment in aviation operations by providing first-hand experience as a flight instructor and flying within a commercial environment. This is a unique feature of our programme and has proven to be very successful and rewarding for our graduates.
How to become a flight instructor
To gain an internship, you’ll have to complete an Instructor Rating at the beginning of your second year of the NZ Diploma in Aviation course. This allows you to provide instruction services under direct supervision to other academy students and Aero Club members. On average, our graduates complete their Diploma in Aviation with the prescribed qualification outcomes and additional logbook hours.
You’ll also have the additional opportunity to gain basic knowledge and practical understanding of Turbine Operations with a number of Part 125 operators. This involves the integration of the delivery of two NZQA approved theory courses and practical observation of air transport flights. We have an alliance with local turbine aircraft operators which provides our students with this unique opportunity.
C Category Flight instructor rating
This course aims to prepare you to operate as a flight instructor undertaking private or commercial pilot licence flying and theory courses. You’ll learn to carry out pre-flight briefing instruction, in-flight instruction and post-flight debriefing.
You’ll also teach principles of flight, aircraft performance, weight and balance and aircraft handling, teach use of meteorological documentation, cross country navigation techniques and the use of a flight manual, aircraft documents and CAA Rules and Advisory Circulars.
A flight test concludes the training. C Category Instructor ratings courses are offered over at least eight to ten weeks at five days per week. Students will need to have 150 Pilot-in-Command (PIC) hours before sitting the flight test.